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Thanks for stopping by - if you're looking for geocoins or pathtags designed by Applewomyn, you're in the right place!

I found my first geocache over July 4th weekend in 2006. That first year I found a few caches, created and released my first travel bug, designed my first personal geocoin, attended my first geocaching event and hid my first cache.


From 2007 to 2010 I designed and collected both geocoins and pathtags. The thrill of finding one of these items in a geocache was my primary motivation for getting out and hunting a good cache. Unfortunately, theft of these items became common place and ruined much of the allure for me. While I still go caching from time-to-time, I haven't designed much since 2010. 


I am leaving this site up as a record of the coins and tags I designed for collectors or others interested.

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